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Freins arrières

Bonjour, comment démonter les tambours ?

Consulter la réponse à la question Freins arrières

  • salut, c'est en anglais, mais j'espère que tu pourras traduire avec google translate par exemple. Removal and Installation of Drum Brake Assembly REMOVAL 1. Remove tyre from the vehicle. 2. With the parking brake lever released, remove the brake drum. If it is difficult to remove brake drum, remove as follows: a. Press up adjuster lever with a wire or equivalent from plug hole (plug hole at the side of wheel cylinder) on the back plate as shown in the figure. Turn frame of adjuster assembly with a flat bladed screw driver in the direction that narrows frame to narrow enlarged brake shoe. 3. While pushing and rotating the retainer, pull out shoe hold pin, and remove shoe assembly. CAUTION: Do not damage the wheel cylinder boot. 4. Remove the parking brake rear cable from the operating lever. CAUTION: Do not bend the parking brake cable. 5. Disassemble the shoe assembly (shoe, springs, adjuster, adjuster lever). 6. Remove retainer ring with a tool to separate operating lever from brake shoe. INSTALLATION 1. When removing operating lever, install following procedure. a. Install operating lever to brake shoe. b. Install retainer ring to operating lever, and crimp them until their contact points are met. 2. Apply rubber grease to brake shoes sliding surfaces (the shaded areas) and other parts on the back plate as indicated by arrows in the figure. 3. Apply rubber grease to screw and confirm the difference between right and left wheel for assembling when disassembled. Right rear wheel Thread cutting direction : Right-hand screw Left rear wheel Thread cutting direction : Left-hand screw 4. Assemble the shoe, adjuster, adjuster lever and springs to the shoe assembly. 5. Connect the parking brake rear cable to the operating lever. 6. Install the shoe assembly. After assembly, be sure that each part is installed properly. CAUTION: Do not damage the wheel cylinder piston boot. 7. Install the brake drum. 8. Depress brake pedal for several time (approximately 2, 3 time). 9. Adjust clearance of brake shoe. Refer to PB-2, "ADJUSTMENT" . 10. Install tyres to the vehicle. il existe une revue technique sur cd qu'on peut trouver sur le net pour environ 25 à 30 euros. elle est en anglais, mais très détaillée.

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